This PDF is the extracted text of files on disks included in the Washington Apple Pi’s Apple /// public domain collection, specifically APPLE-3-WAP-wap-09a and -09b. They are available on the WAP Apple /// DVD, or at your favorite file repository. Or you can grab them below.
These are Dave Ottalini’s best Apple /// newsletters and articles from the 1993 issues of the WAP Journal/ Here’s the table of contents:
On the Trail of the Apple /// Newsletters (1993)
- JANUARY: SuperDrive Driver; Future Apple /// Projects
- FEBRUARY: Software Development Fund; Paul Campbell; John Lormartine
- MARCH: Software Development Fund; Printer Problems
- APRIL: Software Development Fund; Lost Classics Project
- MAY: Software Development Fund; Apple /// Information
- JUNE: Software Development Fund; Video Problems; File Transfers
- JULY: Threes Company BBS; Software Development Fund; ATUNC
- AUGUST: Software Development Fund; Threes Company BBS; Titan Support
- SEPTEMBER: Threes Company – WAP; Software Development Fund; ASCIDIF
- OCTOBER: BOS3; Meeting News; Internet News
- NOVEMBER: (Updated version of the October newsletter)
- DECEMBER: BOS3 On Sale Now!; Honor Roll; Apple /// Forever
- PD.LIBRARY: /// SIG PD Library additions for February through June: TICTOCK clock calibration utility; The Best of Ottalini 1992 disks; /// SIG Member List; Jeppeson Codefile Utility for changing Apple /// filetypes; Apple ///+ / 512K Memory Diagnostics disk; Dr. Al Bloom’s Pascal Utilites; boot disks for the Titan ///+II and ///+//e card sets; SOSTRAN
- Parallel Printers and the Apple ///
- ProFile Low Level Formats
- Micro Courier Tips
- Miscellaneous Apple /// Software Tips
- My First Apple
- File Transfer Between an Apple /// and an MS-DOS Computer
- An Open Letter to Two Alive Magazine
Download the PDF and disk images here: