Episode 8: Bob Consorti

In this episode, we talk with Bob Consorti, who was president of On Three. Among the notable achievements of On Three were the long-running On Three magazine, Desktop Manager, BOS (Bob’s Operating System), a 512K RAM expansion card, device drivers, and many other things. Topics include the founding of On Three, the development of the 512K card, On Three’s internal development environment, emulation, and much more!

One thought on “Episode 8: Bob Consorti”

  1. FYI, I am not the seller, but I wanted folks to know there is a OnThree 512K board listed on ebay, item 201268723990 as of 1/21/15. These boards are not easy to find 30+ years later and after listening to Bob in episode 8 someone out there may be interested to pick one the real thing.

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