ON THREE CPS Universal Disk Driver

We’ve located a copy of the CPS Universal Disk Driver that Bob Consorti wrote and distributed through ON THREE in 1987. It’s the only file on the non-bootable SOS disk included in the image (download ON_THREE_Universal_CPS_Driver). You can build this into your existing driver files with the SOS SCP.


Basically, the earlier UniDisk driver only allows you to use the Apple Liron card and Apple 800K drives. This one was written in response to reader requests for similar functionality so they could access third party devices such as the CPS controller card and drive, the AE 800K drive, etc. You can also access your Liron/UniDisk setup with it.

Note that only one 3.5″ 800K drive can be included in a daisy-chain with 5.25″ Disk /// or MicroSci drives, and it must be the last device on the chain.

Episode 10: III Drives Diverged

In this episode, Paul and Mike talk about the wooden Apple /// sculpture featured on the cover of Apple Magazine v2n2 and an email interview with Tom Eckert, the artist who created it. Other topics include the issues and ultimate success in booting an Apple /// with only an SD-card drive emulator, the feasibility of using alternative CP/M cards, the new firmware for the Floppy Emu to do UniDisk 3.5 emulation, and some preliminary discussion of the variants of the Cursor /// joystick.

Interview with Tom Eckert
Plamen Vasilyov’s SDFloppy II
Nishida Radio’s UNISDISK
Big Mess o’ Wires’ Floppy Emu
BMOW announces firmware update for Apple II compatibility